JAPAN CIVIL NETWORK for Disaster Relief in the East Japan


The national survey of evacuee support organizations

JCN has conducted the questionnaire survey. These findings are expected to be used as a basis for future support activities.

The 2nd

Purpose In order to collect basic reference data to understand the activities and awareness of social welfare council of municipalities involved in community welfare activities, and to examine the direction of support activities to the wide area evacuees future.
Period March, 2013 - April, 2013
Object Social welfare councils of the National
Method By questionnaire.
Report Kouiki_Report.png
Report (PDF:11.27MB)

The 1st

Purpose In order to understand the activities of an evacuation support groups, the contents of the support, challenges and activities, consider the direction of the support of a JCN to support groups working on evacuation assistance.
Period March, 2012 - May, 2012
Object Support groups nationwide (NPOs, NGOs, Social welfare councils)
Method By questionnaire.
Report Kouiki_Report.png
Report (PDF:713KB)